Quote of the Week

This week marks the start of our second semester. For some of you, this next semester will bring new challenges in the form of new classes. Most of you will enter into some new learning environments and will need to start fresh with new instructors. All of you will need to reflect on the first semester and decide what you need to do to either continue with success or prevent failures. With this is in mind, here is our quote of the week:

"Every great mistake has a halfway moment, a split second when it can be recalled and perhaps remedied."

I chose this Pearl S. Buck quotation to remind us all that this semester break can serve as a sort of new beginning, but only if we do as she says and take the time to recall what we've done in the past and remedy our practices for the future.

So, on this first day of second semester, what do you need to keep in mind in order to meet with success this June? Make a new sign that will serve as a directive for us all. We'll take down some of our older pieces of encouragement and make new ones for this new semester.