5 Paragraph Essay: Peer Editing

After finishing the rough-drafting process of our 5 Paragraph Essay experience, you all had an opportunity to peer edit one another's papers. We accomplished this by:

-Opening a new document with your copied essay pasted into it
-Saving your new document as: "peer edit (your peer's initials) to (your initials)
-Trade laptops with your peer
-Use "comments" in pages to express your constructive criticism and positive feedback
-Send me a copy of your peer's essays with your comments & feedback
-Switch laptops back so that you have your laptop
-Correct/ expand upon/ read feedback from your peer
-Send me your corrected essay (attached in an email)

Here is a screenshot of a peer edited essay:

We will finish these essays on Friday. I will sit with each of you and do a complete read-through. Good work today!