Child Imprisonment

Hello Sophomores,

Today, though we only have you for the first 30 minutes of class, we are going to get familiar with the problem of the imprisonment and abuse of children in other countries. We touched base on this during our early release class by reading through a summarized report by Human Rights Watch and highlighted and discussed some important facts.

Now we are going to look at some first-hand testimonies from children imprisoned in Cambodia, not in words, but in pictures. These pictures were collected as part of an art exhibit called "Children in Prison--No Place to Grow Up."

Your assignment will be to make one of these pictures, from the point of view of any of the characters you have read about this year. Here is a list of things you have read in case you need to be reminded:

Amnesty International Short Stories:
     "Prisoner of Conscience"
     "Forced Arranged Marriage"
     "Child Slave Labor"


In addition to this picture, you are going to write a list poem (I will give you the format in class) that takes into account the rights that these characters have lost. In four stanzas, you will be arguing for these characters and their rights, explaining what they should be allowed to do as children, and what should not be happening to them as children.

-Mr. Thomas