We're finally ready to start reading Monster!
But wait. There's more.
In order to prepare you for the upcoming Monster journal project, I showed some samples created by students from previous years. These samples should give you an accurate indication of what I'm looking for in your journal projects. Creativity, care, effort, and comprehension-- These qualities should show in your final product.
After showing you these projects, we had a chance to do some reading. We set up the classroom to look like a courtroom and acted out the first scenes from the script. This text is not written as a play but as a movie script. Therefore, we have lots of directions about cameras and movie terms like voice-overs.
Next class, we'll work on our first journal entry.
If you were absent, you need to see me about completing the Book Buzz presentation guide, read to page twenty in Monster, and look over the student sample journal projects from previous years.