We accomplished quite a bit today, though not as much as I had hoped for. The first order of business was some SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) time so that I could chart which title you've chosen and what page you're on. I am excited about the range of subjects and authors you've all chosen for your first books. We've got everything from Stephanie Meyers and Stephen King to Jerry Spinelli and Walter Dean Meyers. This type of variety will make for some interesting presentations next quarter!
After reading for about ten minutes, we worked together to discuss how many pages of text you should be responsible for in a quarter. You all exceeded m expectations and came up with the following plan:
Exceeds (4): 1,000+ Pages
Meets (3): 600-999 Pages
Partially Meets (2): 300-599 Pages
Does Not Meet: Under 300 Pages
I was surprised by how high you set your goal. I can't wait to see all of the titles you choose and hear about the plots and characters you come across.
The last group of Book Buzzers presented this morning. Overall, the presentations were a bit lacking. Hopefully, this practice round will help you to perform better next quarter. If you'd like specific feedback over what you can do to better your performance for next time, please see me after or before class.
We ended the class with some additional SSR time. You are all super quiet and focused on reading your books, which is like absolute delight to my soul. Yay for books!