After talking about artifacts for Book Buzz, we proceeded to read for the entire period. Yes, we covered a lot of ground. In fact, we read all the way to page eighty-nine. And what happened in those pages? Well, we met some witnesses for the prosecution. We watched as those witnesses were torn apart by the defense. We know that some jury members are bored with the case, And, most importantly, Steve has given us some background about the events leading up to the murder.
Steve gave us these memories in the form of flashbacks. Flashbacks are just like they sound. The story is progressing in one place in time when all of a sudden we're transported to another time in the past. Usually, a writer uses this to let the reader see some relevant situation in a character's life to explain why the character is feeling or thinking a certain way in the present.
Our three flashbacks showed Steve's neighborhood, Steve getting involved with the wrong "crowd", and Steve's influence on his younger brother Jerry.
Since we had a reading day today, we will have a writing day next class. Make sure to bring in your Book Buzz Artifacts.