Questions, Questions

Today we used a Think-Pair-Share to talk about some difficult questions. These questions weren't difficult in the Einstein way or anything, they were challenging because they were related to our core morals and values. As several of you noticed, these questions are all intertwined and relate to our loves as well as the lives of our Salem 1692 counterparts.

What we did is this:

-We broke into eight groups
-I gave each group a pre-written question
-Group members thought about and discussed the question
-Group members listened to the responses their peers offered
-One member per group read the question aloud for the class
-Members of the group reported out for one another (not for themselves)
-After the original group was done, other classmates were able to enter into the conversation

I thought that this activity would take twenty, thirty minutes tops. Well, I was happily surprised that you all really, really had a lot to say and that (most) of what you said related to the questions and to The Crucible. I photographed the questions and included them in this BLOG entry. If you were absent, I am sorry that you missed this particular class because we had an in-depth, enlightening, and lively discussion. I think we may have to use this Think-Pair-Share again!