We finished The Crucible. It is a bittersweet accomplishment. Several of you remarked that you were really interested in this play. Others of you said that we really need to act out scenes from plays to make them more visual and more "real".  I agree. It is hard, though, to get space on the stage in the auditorium. I will try for our next play. 

After we finished the play and talked about the ending, we moved on to watching the movie version. This is a modern (1996) version starring Winona Ryder as Abigail Williams and Daniel Day Lewis as John Proctor. We did not finish the film. We will finish it on Friday.  On Wednesday, we'll finish our rough drafts of the college essay. I will conference with you ALL individually on Wednesday and on Friday during the movie (if necessary). I am hoping to have both the movie and these essays finished before Christmas break. Let's keep our fingers crossed!