Today in Senior English, we honored our tradition of Poetry Friday by reading a stanza from Lord Byron's "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage," which related to the novel Into the Wild in a variety of ways. The excerpt we chose to read from this poem was used in part of the movie based on the novel. We also continued our poetry brackets that we have been working on for National Poetry Month. We read the two poems in our Haiku category, and voted on which we liked better.
We spent the remainder of class reading up to page 30 of our book, and discussed the landscape in Arizona (where Chris abandoned his car and spent some time at the start of his journey) quite a bit. We then finished our Fortune Teller, Mixer, Trash Can activity from a couple of classes ago. Everyone shared what they are looking forward to in their own journeys as they graduate and embark on new adventures.
-Ms. Audy