Belief Statements: The Personal Creed Project

Since we started this school year, we've been working to collect belief statements inspired by our readings and the actual and fictional people we've met along the way. So far, we've had eight belief statements this year. You have been writing them on post-its most every class. Here are the topics we've addressed thus far in our statements:

1. Do you believe in God or some sort of higher power?

2. Do you believe that some people have supernatural powers? As in, psychic abilities or powers?

3. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

4. Are you a person who forgives those who have harmed you or do you believe that there are some wrongs  that should not be forgiven?

5. How do you feel about the word "hate"? Are you someone who uses it all of the time, or do you feel like it carries weight and should be used sparingly?

6. What is your understanding of the freedom of speech? Do you think that it should apply to everyone or have some restrictions?

7. Do you believe that governments should be allowed to torture those who they're trying to gain information from?

8. Do you feel that funerals are a celebration of life or a time to mourn death?

All of these prompts are related to the events, situations, and questions raised in Elie Wiesel's Holocaust memoir Night. We will continue to collect belief statements as we read this text and others this school year. At the end of the year, we will use these statements and other pieces to create our Personal Creed Project.