Shakespeare KWL Project

Several of you had me as a teacher last year, so I know that you knew some factual stuff about Shakespeare already, but what did you all remember EXACTLY? I don't know. Or, I didn't know. I quickly found out that most of you knew quite a bit about Shakespeare.  The "K" in "KWL" stands for what you already know about a subject. Here are some of the facts you already knew:

-He lived in the 1500's to the 1600's
-He (supposedly) died on his birthday
-He wrote plays (plays like Hamlet, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and The Taming of the Shrew were mentioned)
-His performances took place in the Globe Theater (amongst other locales)
-He lived in England
-He lived during the Renaissance

After we took a short pretest to activate all of this KNOWLEDGE you had, we wrote down all of the facts we knew about Shakespeare. Then we moved on to forming questions about Shakespeare and the time period in which he lived. You all wrote out your questions on little slips of paper. We'll use these little papers when we create our KWL bull's-eye bulletin board. Look for a picture of it in next week's Blog entry. 

We also spent some time SSR-ing. I took down your page numbers and any new titles you had for me. Keep reading!