Book of the Week

Thanks to our surprise snow day, I had some free time and chose to spend at least part of it reading Brent Runton's newest novel, Maybe. This book is written from the perspective of a male teen who's a Junior in high school. Something tragic has recently happened to his brother; I won't tell you what it is because I don't want to reveal too much of the plot. Brian, the main character, has recently moved to a new school district and tried to find his place, which is not easy. He does collect a few friends along the way, but no one seems to understand him or even want to dig deeper into his past.

The novel follows Brian as he learns to face the absence of his brother. It is not an action-packed read, but this book does seem to offer a fairly accurste, realistic portrait of a teen trying to fit in and find his place in high school, in his family, and insside himself. You may check out this book if you like; I've placed it on the free reading bookcase at the back of the classroom.