We have fallen a little bit behind our schedule for The Hunger Games, so we spent a lot of time in class today catching up. First, we finished filling out the anticipation guides we have been referring to since the start of the novel, filling in our opinions for each statement based on the context of the novel, and the perspective of a chosen character. We didn't go over a new characteristic of dystopia today, but rather looked for another quote on pollution as we read.
We read for the majority of class, and finished the reading guide questions we started last class, answering why we thought Avoxes were only in the Capital, as well as why some criminals were made into Avoxes, while the majority of criminals seemed to be executed. As we read, we also looked for the introduction of more tributes, and filled out the graphic organizer Ms. Ferry designed, as we learned more and more about the competitors. We got up to page 93, today. Remember, as we read, we are to be constantly considering the questions: what is wrong with the world and what is right with the world?
-Ms. Audy